Thursday 6 August 2015

Looking fine!

Two XB's almost ready to chew dirt ...

My Gold based buggy is now almost tuned in. I've actually just tonight ordered some amazing Gmade 85mm shocks. I have Gmade shocks on my Tamiya Stadium Blitzer and they are amazing so I decided to splash out the £60 to cover all 4corners of my XB Gold.

The current Grey alloy shocks on the Gold will go onto the XB Blue.

I'm also stocking parts now to hop up an XB Silver!!! ... I'll have 3 XB's soon yay!!

New Tyre sets are all on order too...


Frank said...

Hi Jason!

This is Frank from Maverick/HPI Racing. Can you drop me an email please at We'd like to talk to you about using some of your review info on the upcoming Maverick Facebook page :)

Frank said...

Hi James,

I just found out the email address I gave you before is not forwarding properly - please contact me at :)